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AV Spotlight: Meet Corey Moss
Owner/Editor-In-Chief and Podcast Producer at Convergent AV.
Corey is a former commercial AV integrator, with 15 years of audio visual integration experience under his belt. For the past five+ years, Corey has been active in AV/tech press and media, focusing on AV, IT, UC, software, cloud, mobile, cybersecurity, and AI.
What is something unique about the AV industry that not many people know?
I have to say it’s the people. Of course other industries (tech or otherwise) have their own unique types, however, the AV industry has people that are diverse in terms of what they do, as well as the discussions they bring. Chris Neto‘s #AVintheAM is a great case in point to this. The panel discussions and presentations at trade shows and the various industry podcast shows with their own brand of content lend to this uniqueness as well.
What is something in life that you are passionate about?
I am passionate about three things – the work that I do in press and media, it’s a seven-day endeavor. This includes writing and editing, which has been a true passion of mine since I began in 2013. Next, hosting/co-hosting the Convergent AV podcasts – all four of them, and especially The AV Life, created in late 2016. Convergent Week is another that began not too long ago, which has picked up speed pretty quickly. I do the producing and editing for the shows too. Third, my daughter and son – enough said.
What would you do differently if you were starting in the AV industry now?
I always say probably nothing, but I’d change that in a way here – if I had the opportunity to be in the press and media space earlier than 2013, I would have jumped at it in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t change my commercial integration days, but press and media could have definitely had an earlier start date.
What’s the best advice about the AV industry you have ever received?
My best advice has come from a few people. A sales manager of mine gave me sage advice as an industry vet in terms of sales and increasing business. Under his mentorship, it did happen. More recently, I do thank certain people who have given me great support in terms of my current endeavors, and I especially thank my podcast partner, Katye McGregor Bennett, as she continues to give me advice on certain things. This has helped to continue to drive Convergent AV and the podcasts as well.
What does a usual workday look like for you?
As I’ve said for almost five years now there is no usual or typical workday unless I have an all-day event planned, and even then things can pop up. I feel the life of a journalist/podcaster needs to be highly flexible, and that’s how I keep it. Even on the weekends as I’m contacted then as well. I just did a podcast with a young lady, a 15-year old racing driver (Emily Linscott) in the UK. It had to be done on a Saturday as she’s busy with school, homework, and practice. I talked with her father (a former AV integrator in the UK), we agreed to this. It’s just one of the great opportunities I won’t pass up.
What’s your definition of an ‘influencer’?
An influencer in the industry to me is someone that people need to listen to, they bring an in-depth, intelligent perspective that should be put in play in business by those who are attending – whether in-person or via webinar and even podcast. There are many people who talk, which in many respects is good, however, less of those who will qualify as an influencer. Those who try to “force” their opinions on others don’t influence, they seek attention. That’s not influence at all. I will be vocal, I will be informed and even at times opinionated. As a podcaster, I think it’s a necessity in some respects. I could certainly point out individuals in this industry that I consider true influencers – some of them happen to be best friends of mine.
How would you describe the relationship between AV and IT?
I’m not sure how to qualify this. Years ago when I was in commercial integration I was asked by a customer about the (so-called) AV/IT convergence. My response was “it isn’t, and I don’t really see when it will be.” Convergence as a part of AV/IT is in essence buzz – and I had a deeper explanation to it in terms of convergence of technologies. Convergent AV is an embodiment of this, as not only IT but UC and trending technologies (AI, blockchain, and cybersecurity) enter in as well. This to me is convergence, and really less to do with AV and IT. It’s technology.
What do you see as the future of AV?
The future of AV looks bold, however, if those in the industry that have the opportunity to expand their technology and business focus won’t, they will fall into the abyss eventually. Those that are strategically expanding beyond AV to IT/software/cloud (which all exist now in the industry) along with such trending technologies as pointed out (and AI solutions exist too) will prosper, and even win. Partnering in cybersecurity is also a real thing, I have one such company I have already brought to the table. It’s not about the “financial health” of an industry alone, that’s about cultivated statistics that speak to a whole industry’s worldwide bottom line. What’s truly needed is a focus on highly strategic ways to expand business in the industry – this to go with all of the necessary standards as well.
Check out Convergent AV today and follow Corey Moss on social for all of the latest on AV/tech! https://ConvergentAV.net/ | Convergent AV Podcasts
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